Vaccination for Pets

The Covid-19 pandemic has blown the norm out of our lives. The catastrophe it has brought upon us has impacted our day-to-day routine in every possible way. But enough has been said about Covid-19. The talk of the town today is vaccination – from the types of vaccines available, the complications that arises from it, to the effectiveness and process in getting one. Anti-vaxxers and fence sitters aside, rest of Earth’s population appears to be on-board the vaccine bandwagon. If there is a silver lining here, it would be the fact that this pandemic episode has created awareness for vaccines in general. And, the importance of vaccines does not apply just to us human folks – it also applies to our beloved furry companions.

Veterinarians across the globe have long advocated the need for pets to be vaccinated. It has been a slow but positive progress and pet owners today are more dedicated towards their pet’s healthcare. Modern pet owners know that vaccination is part and parcel of raising a healthy pet.

Vaccination not only serves its primary role to create defensive antibodies for your pet, it has also become a requirement by some local authorities, boarding facilities, for traveling abroad, among others. In the long run, vaccinations will save you some Ringgit as well as it helps avoid costly treatment for preventable diseases. More importantly, just like us humans, vaccination has prevented deaths of millions of animals within the last century.  

Concerns of complications arising from vaccines for your pet is valid and more often than not, they are hardly life threatening. Tissue swelling around the injection area, mild fever, soreness, lethargy are the usual suspects if there are any complications. These conditions will probably wear off within a couple of days.

Below is a vaccination guide for your cats and dogs. If you wish to know more about vaccines or to start vaccinating your pet, kindly contact your local vet to guide you through the process.